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Wednesday, 15 February 2006
♥ brainstorm

Topic: Myself
i told hub, i had a name in mind if its a gal. will call her YU XIN. den make up HENG XIN. hahaha

he kept quiet, so i continue, but if its a boy, u name him :P~

This is jansey at 12:01 AM WST
Monday, 13 February 2006
♥ home sweet home

Topic: Family
sun came back to Melacca. long ride, n hub had a client meeting on Mon mornin, we gg back on Mon aftnn.

it was such a hot hot aftnn!! man! make me so dizzy. felt hungry a min n full the nex. so irritating!!

me n heng followed hub to ofix, since its orady 3pm. aft he finish his work, we head home! but b4 tt, we stop by a mamak near his ofix to "feast".

i told him i can't finish a full meal, unless we share. but he ordered chicken rice for me, n a meehoon goreng for himself. so i jus finish the chicken drumstick n eat only 1/2 the rice. finish up the bandung (i dun wan milo cos i m sick of it!) n we head home.

at nite, i felt so stuffed.. wanna puke but i scare once start canot stop. so i thot eatin some fruits might help. took 1/2 a pear. n viola! it does help >_< i immediately vomit out everything! my pear, my lunch, my bandung. i puke til i got sore throat :/

aft emptying my stomach, i told hub, i will nvr eat tt mamak agn when i m weak! cos last time oso same thing, minor food poisoning. guess i m used to the clean, home cook food. tt stall is not s clean s the other stalls i had.

This is jansey at 12:01 AM WST
Wednesday, 8 February 2006
♥ heng enjoyed himself alot

Topic: Family
yest aftnn, went to Peggy's house for a small gathering cum play group for the Aug babies.

heng set his eyes on the LITTLE TIKES police car once i step into the house. he dun even care if i went into the dinnin area. althou he screams to get my attention once a while, but he nvr followed me like he used to.

aft the little 1 had their lunch (peggy cooked more porridge for us) n had a belated bday celebrate for her, we went to a small malay restaurant for our lunch. i din eat cos no appitite since preggie. only ordered, chicken mushroom soup. we all thot it is the creamy type, but when served, its clear type. LOL.

the children meal they ordered for the 3 tods to share has a cup of ice cream. i giv heng 1 teaspoon, n he gulb it down in 1 mouth! i ask him to spit it out cos its too cold! but he swallowed it bit by bit..

aft the meal, all the babies n tods r fallin aslp, all except mine! when we went back into the hoz, heng starts to play the police car again. n he even wans to wake zann up.

since all babies r aslp, peggy took a pack of cards out n we play blackjack. by this time, kenneth has orady waken up. n both the boys r playin arnd in the master bedroom.

aft few rounds, i c heng is walkin so unsteadily, i make him sleep on my lap. aft rockin for few min, he finally zzz

n its almost time to leave. so i carried him on my shoulder, walked out wif vendy n zann to take bus to orchard.

when at taka, me met Linda earlier. so went to taka for some shopping. she bought her darlin newphew a water bottle. me wanted to get a cris-cros teat but so difficult to find. i last time bought it at suntec. i dun wan to so far agn!

aft this, we went up to Seoul Garden as planned. went in n hv a good dinner, tt's for heng. me only hv small appitite. so 1/2 of the $ paid for him. LOL

when we r takin mrt home, he fall aslp on my lap. n when hm, i put him in bro's rm n on the air con. when bro is hm, i carried heng back to my room. he still snd aslp :) the most peaceful nite since monday & tuesday.

This is jansey at 12:01 AM WST
Updated: Friday, 10 February 2006 1:17 AM WST
Saturday, 4 February 2006
♥ my son, super star

Topic: Family
this aftnn, went to Bugis Junction to meet up 4b, linda, Sherman, tg n tp. but tg n tp din make it.

but heng fall aslp at 1pm, we r suppose to meet at 2pm. so i SMS linda, told her we will b late, they go find a place 1st.

when he finally wakes up, i feed him some porridge, den we go out. in city hall mrt, waitin for the train to bugis, 1 auntie suddenly took heng's foto n show him. she is standin nex to us, tokin on the fone. aft she hangs up, she showed heng the foto she took wif her hp. ?_? both me n hub r abit shocked. n heng literally brush her hand away, stare at the opp side.

but when we board the train, he is abit warmed up, n willin to stare at the hp screen. too bad, we alight aft 1 stop. hehehe

when we reached Sakae Shushi, a table of gals r seated in front of me. heng starts to wiggle n wanna get off. so i giv him to daddy, which is sittin back to the gals. at 1st, i din notice the gals much. but Sherman whisper to me, 2 of the gals r takin heng's foto. i ask how he knew, he said he saw the gal sittin rite behind him, turned arnd to take foto.

den i notice the gals r playin wif him. kekeke, i said, wahh, so young orady bcom women-killer, wat will happen when he grows up!!

This is jansey at 12:01 AM WST
Saturday, 28 January 2006
♥ positive!!

Topic: Myself
jus now was shoppin in Makota Parade wif hubby. want to watch 'Fearless, Huo Yuan Jia'. very nice show! & since its real story abt a real hero, its so sad when he died so tragicly, n so unfair!

b4 the show, we jus hangin arnd cos got abt 1hr b4 the show starts. i dragged him to Watson to buy a pregnancy kit. but aft viewin the price lists, too exp! so went over to Guardian. hehee, RM1 cheaper. :p

aft the show, we went over to MIL's doc to check out abt her health. there, while we wait for him to come back, i went to toilet to check.

instruction says, the oval cicle will show a blue line 1st, den wait for the square box, if there's a line, den preggie, & vice versa.

mine, square box appear line first! hahaha.. i went back to congrats hub, he is gona b a dad 2nd time. he say 'really ah, quick, book a time wif the gynae now, go abort' >_> still can joke abt this...

aft 5 min, we r discussin where shld heng sleep in our master bedrm. hehehe ^_^

This is jansey at 12:01 AM WST
Thursday, 26 January 2006
♥ *almost* saved a baby bird

Topic: Myself
me n heng followed hub to ofix in the mornin, cos he wanted to avoid the highway jam, so we go back Melacca in the afternoon.

when i was there, carryin heng, i saw 2 mynahs (big black bird wif yellow beak) poking smthg on the road. at 1st, i thot its dead rat or smthg. den suddenly i c the 'thing' struggle, n seems like got wings. it shld b a baby bird, n these 2 birds r teachin it to fly?! aft watchin for another min, i realise, its not it! they might b killin it n want to eat it!!

so i quickly walk over n pick up the baby bird. poor thing!! its neck is bleeding!! i went to show my hub, but he saw smthg on my palm fr far n jumped away futher!

i put on the flr n told him its a baby bird, not dead yet. so he ask his employee to put it in a box. i wish i could hv moved earlier.. cos aft we cam back fr lunch. i saw it not movin in the box orady. :( this baby bird's feather hv not even fully grown..

This is jansey at 12:01 AM WST
Updated: Monday, 6 February 2006 3:14 PM WST
Monday, 23 January 2006
♥ dog year is coming

Topic: Myself
yest saw a tv prog on ASTRO. they invited a feng shui shi fu fr Taiwan, call YU YAN to host a show. she said we DRAGONS this yr rank the LAST in good-luck position. (hub is rat, he ranked no. 4)

so she said some 'remedies' we DRAGONS can do to lessen the ill-fortune. we shld hv as many auspicious/happiness events as possile. eg. attend weddings, hav a baby, etc. hub said, aiyaaa, too bad, u might hv 11mths of bad luck if our bb is born end of the year so i said, ok, we go adopt lo, faster. LOL

& i said, ohh good! i've got few happy occasions in 2006:

1. Monica is hvin her little gal in May;
2. Joyce is hvin her wedding dinner in June

& hub side oso got 2 planned wedding this yr. shld b happy enough?!!

offtopic: hub went to buy 4D last wkend. n his number missed 1!! he bought me n heng's birthdate. shld b "2425", it cam out "2525". den i accidentally saw his ticket, it says "2526"

This is jansey at 12:01 AM WST
Updated: Tuesday, 24 January 2006 4:02 PM WST
Sunday, 22 January 2006
♥ %^&^%# astro

Topic: Myself
this cable tv is degrading!!

1st, the tv guide they sent us every mth, is the wrong issue. they hv few packages to choose, n we choose Dynasty. but they sent us General.

nvm, i wait n c if nex mth still the same, n it is! it continued for 3mths! i buay tahan n called up their customer to 'complain'. this was in Nov 05.

so the lady said they will send the correct wan nex mth. so i waited for it in Dec 05. it din came at all! this time lagi beta service!!!

ok, so i said to myself, their webby oso got tv guide. i go there n c when Sesame Street is showing lor. cos Hallmark is not showin it anymore at the usual 4.30pm when 2006 starts.

n their webby! no hope!! worse den the previous time i went in. the tv programs all gone! nobody update at all! its empty!!

to think they hav 2 more fierce comeptitors comin up orady!! n they still giv such service??!! n not to mentioned, whenever downpour, the tv prog will b out! the 2 comepetitors said they won't hv such prob cos they r not usin satelite dish. duno when their service will com to Ampang. den WE CHANGE!!! its cheaper somore...

This is jansey at 12:01 AM WST
Friday, 20 January 2006
♥ dangerous period

Topic: Myself
got a calendar fr a mummy. she said she got both her gals fr this ovulation calculator. so i went to key in my details.

BINGO! our last time is rite at the end of my ovulation period. the 2nd last day!! n he din informed me n ended it inside me! not the usual outside body...

so i told him jus now, b prepared to b a dad 2nd time. he said, dun joke wif me on this!! canot b pregnant now lah!!

n i told him the abv, blab blah blah. n said, if by nex wk, my 'great auntie' com, u greet her wif a big pom pom lor. :d LOL

i jus felt so tired....wonder issit a symtom. :p

This is jansey at 12:01 AM WST
Thursday, 19 January 2006
♥ Toddler > Behavior: Aggression

Topic: Family
Why it happens
Shocking as it may be to you (and onlookers), aggressive behavior is a normal part of your toddler's development. Still-emerging language skills, a fierce desire to become independent, and undeveloped impulse control make children this age prime candidates for getting physical. "Some degree of hitting and biting is completely normal for a toddler," says Nadine Block, executive director of the Center for Effective Discipline in Columbus, Ohio. That doesn't mean you should ignore it, of course. Let your toddler know that aggressive behavior is unacceptable and show him other ways to express his feelings.

What to do
Follow up with logical consequences. If your child gets into the ball pit at the indoor play center and immediately starts throwing the balls at other kids, take him out. Sit down with him and watch the other kids play, and explain that he can go back in when he feels ready to join the fun without hurting other children. Avoid trying to "reason" with your child, such as asking him, "How would you like it if he threw the ball at you?" Toddlers don't possess the cognitive maturity to be able to imagine themselves in another child's place or to change their behavior based on verbal reasoning. But they can understand consequences.
Limit TV time. Cartoons and other shows designed for young children can be filled with shouting, threats, even shoving and hitting. Try to monitor which programs he watches, particularly if he seems prone to aggressive behavior. When you do let your child watch TV, watch it with him and talk to him about situations that arise: "That wasn't a very good way for him to get what he wanted, was it?" (The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of 2 watch no TV at all.)

taken from Babycenter
now i know wat to do wif my son!!!

This is jansey at 12:01 AM WST

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penny, cheong
pohfan, yong
vicky, chong
vicky, low
vivian, wong

..:: Adopt virtual pet ::..
..:: Blog Skins ::..
..:: Blogthings ::..
..:: Free Cursor ::..
..:: Parking Idiots ::..
..:: Pregnancy ::..
..:: Xian Qing (MYS artist) ::..

<3 Family :: Friends <3
+..:: honey dear ::..+
NEW :: heng and chen
OLD +..:: baby son ::..+
OLD +..:: 2nd darling ::..+
>> k <<
>> peiwen <<
>> peiyin <<
..:: hui qi ::..
..:: jocelyn ::..
..:: linda ::..
..:: ling tze ::..
..:: michel ::..
..:: starvian ::..
..:: susan ::..

Go $hopping.
Finders Keeperz
Juz Shoppe (MYS spree)
Sloth Studio (SG shop)
Snappity Snap (SG shop)
The Square Box (SG spree)
Yan Yan Collectionz (SG spree)

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Pls do not remove this section.

Designer: bw0kensmile- x
Image Hosting: photobucket.com
Image Hosting: imageshack.us
Image source: deviatart
Tagboard: oggix.com
Music: myflashfetish.com
Cursor: dorischu