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Friday, 19 September 2008
♥ finally done it!


i've been wanting to start my own online store.. but lack of courage as i do not have anything new to sell. (no lobang aka supplier & if i do, no space for me to stock up.)

so, i've decided to trial and error - do 1 blog shop for all my outgrown baby stuff & other stuff that become my white elephant.

searching layout and changing names for very long, and finally i've settled on the name (i think the most suitable)

Finders Keeperz

This is jansey at 5:21 PM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 21 January 2009 11:16 AM WST
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
♥ power failure again

Topic: Family

i think for the past few months, there's a power failure EVERY MONTH - not failing us... it always happen in the middle of the night. then the boys will become warm cause they are wearing long sleeves pyjamas.

but yesternight, think chenchen had a "feeling", no matter what i try, he won't change his sleeveless into Mickey Mouse long sleeve. so i thought let him sleep deeper, then i change. who knows, at 1am, power was cut off. so there's no air con & no fan.

heng start to toss and grumble, so we have to remove his long sleeves and change into a sleeveless.. haha, chen was ok.

then, the wind started to blow strong, it seems like going to rain. so hub suggested bring both of them to sleep in the living room, can open the door and have natural wind.

when we carry the mattress and the boys out & settle them down. 5 minutes later, power came back..

so carry everything back into the bedroom again. but never change them back into sleeves as we always set the air con on timer. i got hungry, and we ate Maggi Curry for super later super.. @ 1.45am

BUT THEN!! who is the family that always triggle the power failure?? who uses the appliance that needs drains so much power, that it was cut off from the main supply?? this is an old neighbourhood, unless the owner has rebuild the house, all the wiring and casing are the old-fashioned type, easily triggle power failure...

This is jansey at 10:38 AM JST
Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Topic: Myself

saw this trailer in Hallmark, and i thought it must be an old movie showing in Hallmark. so i started to pay attention to its showing date.

but i was wrong! it was a brand new movie in cinemas! i saw it advertisements when watching Wall-E.

so there's 2 show today, 4pm & 11pm. both wrong timing for us to watch. we went to the cinemas at 2.30pm, as the boys napped at this hour. no nice show to watch. so i suggest to use the money to eat.. and we spend RM30. (2 tickets RM18 + popcorn combo RM6 = RM24) hehehe, we spent more. i like to spend money recently. think i feel pressured. i even grind my teeth!!

This is jansey at 12:01 AM JST
Updated: Monday, 22 September 2008 1:18 AM JST
Saturday, 6 September 2008
♥ Thomas Live! on stage

Topic: Family

oh yes, very nice show! but don't have heng's fave engine - JAMES. after the break, he keep asking when is JAMES comin out..

don't know why cannot put in Photobucket slide show. all the words will get 'eaten' and my post become empty. so i will put in the link insead


more photos at Our Precious: Ryan & Demi, they went to the same day as us. but bought the most expensive seats, we bought the 2nd most expensive.

This is jansey at 12:01 AM JST
Updated: Monday, 15 September 2008 1:47 PM JST
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
♥ 1st day in child care

Topic: My 2 Monstas

hengheng's work in child care.. he thinks he looks like a dog??!! yet he got a star..


chenchen's work in child care.. he got a star!


This is jansey at 12:01 AM JST
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
♥ photos from the beach trip

Topic: Family

finally downloaded the photos.. because we are going to the Thomas Tank Engine concert.. need to clear the memory stick. hehehe

This is jansey at 12:01 AM JST
Monday, 1 September 2008
♥ lunar birthday..

wow! so fast my lunar birthday is here..

and since today is a public holiday, we decided to go Port Dickson seaside. (only during the trip, i remembered it was my lunar birthday)

it started to rain when we are reaching PD. AARGHHH!! it's not ordinary small drizzle, it's raining cats & dogs!! thunders and lighting!!! so scary as we cannot even see clearly.

12pm, then the rain stops. wow! we started the journey around 8am. we should have been playing in the water at 11am.. and the sun become so fierce at noon. only 20min and chenchen's shoulder start to turn red! lucky i put sun block on him already. hub brought him back to me (i was playing on the beach, also act as bag-guide) and we started rubbing tons of children sun block on both of them. so another 10min, we pack our things.

and because it's my 1st time with kids at the beach, i pack alot of things. but only brought 2 bags down. so our bathing gel and shampoo and changing clothes are all in the car!!! >_<

hub had to stop at a petrol kiosk on the way home, so he can change his wet pants :p

we had lunch in Pizza Hut. and both of them finishes a plate of spaghetti & meatballs!! they fall asleep after 30mins of driving. chenchen even had the energy to sing 3 songs before his eyes closed. heng? he cannot even talk, so tired. hahaha!!


This is jansey at 12:01 AM JST
Monday, 25 August 2008
♥ happy birthday..

Topic: Family

happy birthday to me!


it's a new chapter today. i started working *again*


hub finally decides to let the current admin go, he's not satisfied with her performance. so after much consideration and calculation (of her salary and our household expenses), we decided that i went back to help him. and we sent both boys to full day child care in heng's current kindergarten.


hope they can adapt well!

This is jansey at 12:01 AM JST
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
♥ photos in Botanic Garden

Topic: My 2 Monstas

some photos from lingtze after our visit to Botanic Garden

This is jansey at 12:01 AM JST
Updated: Friday, 29 August 2008 11:33 AM JST
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
♥ early day

Topic: My 2 Monstas
yesterday, heng didn' nap in the afternoon, because he and his dad ran errands until 3.30pm. so after his lunch, i push both boys into the bedroom, especially heng since chen had his nap from 12.30-3.30pm. (i have to push both cause gorgor will say "didi ley!!")

and it's their habit to have milk before sleep. so when they finish their milk, it's already 4.30pm. read a book and it's already 5. seeing heng has no sleep bug at all, i got him into the bathroom and bathe, make him more awake, so he can sleep earlier at night.

it works!! he went to play with his ah chek's trolley, he ask didi sit on it then he wheel him around. ah gong woke up from his nap and joined in. then, the gang got adventureous, ah gong esscort the brothers out onto the road!

so by 7pm, both of them are thirsty, dirty and hungry!! never seen didi drank so much water. wahahaha!

quickly bath didi and feed them dinner. 8.30pm, hengheng becomes less active, sit or walk around the house. (insead of running and shouting like usual) so i knew, bedtime is here!! quickly bath him again and change pajamas for both. (cause didi also naps early)

9pm, both boys on the bed, drinking their bedtime milk. heng still asking, why papa so late (haven't come back) i told him, his customer has a lot of stories to tell papa, so you sleep first.

10pm, gorgor is sleeping!!! :D but didi cannot sleep cause it's too early, he's still talking to himself and singing softly. when he's ready to sleep, he called 'mummy, mummy'. i told him, 'didi, sleep early, tomorrow can wake up early, send gorgor to school, and then we go eat mum mum!' he thinks for a while, say OK, and rolled to his side.

10.30pm, didi sleeps!!! i can watch CSI in peace. ^_^v

This is jansey at 12:01 AM JST

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Finders Keeperz
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