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Tuesday, 31 March 2009
♥ my heart stopped!

Topic: Couple Time

this morning, after dropping the boys off to school, we went to have breakfast, as usual. (every week day routine)

as we turned into a small lane, we saw this middle-aged (50+) Malay lady wanting to cross the road.

and as we approached her (less then 200m!) she suddenly step out!

my heart stop beating at that second!

lucky hub was quick enough and swive the car slightly out, so had avoided banging her. then i saw she was holding her granddaughter (i presume, she was 4-8 yrs old) and i couldn't see her because the granny was blocking her.

then later, when we are eating at the kopitiam. hub was stretching his neck and watching some man carrying his son off. (the family just finish their breakfast) so i ask, your classmate?

he said, no, the mom DID NOT hold her son's hand when crossing the road!

so i said, maybe the 2 woman should change children; the 1 who step out so fast should NOT HOLD HANDS, and the 1 walk slowly hold hands..

what are all these folks thinking... Yell

This is jansey at 1:44 PM JST
Friday, 13 March 2009
♥ merged the boy's blogs

Topic: My 2 Monstas

i've finally merged the boys' blogs into one - http://heng-and-chen.blogspot.com

heng's server - tripod (same as mine) has memory quota, unlike blogger.

This is jansey at 1:04 AM JST
Monday, 23 February 2009
♥ online shopping

Topic: Digg this!!

who has still not tried online shopping? i guess it is very minimal, even if you had not bought anything, you would have browse through their catalogues. (and very tempted to buy!)

here's another 1 to add to your bookmark - http://www.littletoez.com/

they are the sole distributor of 5 brands:

  1. Amélie B Handmade hair accessories
  2. Cheeky Little Soles Footwear
  3. KM Baby Socks from USA
  4. Oobi Baby&Kids apparel
  5. Qictoria apparel and swimwear

as a mummy who loves to swim, i seems to pass this onto hengheng. (chenchen yet to learn to appreciate swimming) and this swimwear is really cute!

All Aboard Surfsuit 

This is jansey at 1:43 PM WST
Thursday, 19 February 2009
♥ i can do paps smear in sg!

Topic: Myself

hurray! its so much cheaper to do Paps Smear in singapore than Malaysia!

why? because there's a subsidise programe going on. (but until when it end?)

for more information, read here.

women aged 25 - 69, please go to the nearest polyclinic now! (check list here)

This is jansey at 3:56 PM WST
Saturday, 14 February 2009
♥ my most expensive v-day gift

Topic: Myself

nobody guess correctly my v-day gift after i posted in Facebook.. haha, i guess it wasn't expensive nor seen as a gift nowadays?!!

i got a laptop as a valentine gift. i gave hub a Bonia wallet. he dropped his in the drain few days before v-day. so it was fate i had to buy him somthing.

but i didn't expect him to buy me anything. i saw BIL's room had a laptop, and i thought 1 of the sibling's laptop need repairing.

then at night, after i laid down to company the boys to sleep, he came and told me, the laptop was yours.


This is jansey at 12:01 AM WST
Friday, 13 February 2009
♥ season finale~

Topic: Myself

i have finally finish watching ALL SEASONS of the nanny.

and as i was watchin the bloopers. one url was attached to 1 of the videos - http://nannymuseum.com/

too  bad it wasn't english. but here's the list of actors & his/her casting name: http://www.thenannytv.com/cast.html from it's official site.

yesterday, i received an email about airplane rape, went to search in Google to see if it's another hoax. instead, i found out Fran Drescher was also been raped!!! Yell

From Wikipedia 

Personal life

Drescher married her high school sweetheart, Peter Marc Jacobson. Jacobson was Drescher's constant supporter in her show-business career, and he wrote, directed, and produced her signature television series, The Nanny. They divorced in 1999.

In January 1985, robbers ransacked Drescher's and Jacobson's Los Angeles apartment and raped her and a friend at gunpoint. It took her many years to overcome this ordeal, and it took her even longer to admit this to the press. She was paraphrased as saying in an interview with Larry King that although it was a traumatic experience, she found ways to turn it into something positive. In her book Cancer Schmancer, the actress writes: "My whole life has been about changing negatives into positives." She saw her rapist sent to prison.

After separating in 1996, Fran (who never had children) divorced her husband, Peter Marc Jacobson, in 1999. She then dated a man sixteen years her junior from 1998–2002. Her beloved dog, Chester, who made many appearances in her movies and on The Nanny, died in 2000 at age eighteen. She now has a chocolate Pomeranian named Esther and lives in New York.

Drescher was admitted to Los Angeles's Cedars Sinai Hospital on June 21, 2000, after doctors diagnosed her with uterine cancer. Emergency surgery caught it early as it was only at Stage 1 and she didn't have to undergo chemotherapy. She has been given a clean bill of health and no post-operative treatment has been ordered. She wrote about her experiences in her second book, Cancer Schmancer.

This is jansey at 5:19 PM WST
Updated: Friday, 13 February 2009 5:39 PM WST
Monday, 2 February 2009
♥ all grown up..

Topic: Yue Chen Dylan

past few 2 weeks, chenchen didn't wet his diaper. yesternight, mummy even forgot about puttint on the diaper after the boys went to sleep. (because he always say he don't want pampers when changing pyjamas.)

& the few night before, i put it on after he sleep. but the night before, he refuse to change in PJ. papa has to hold him down & mummy put on diaper and PJ - with him struggling and crying.

today, i found his diaper is dry, like usual. i think i used this diaper for about 5days, & it's still dry. the sticky tape is no longer sticky. thus i have to throw away. and i shall let chen go diaperless tonight.

for further updates on his diaperless nights, read his blog.

This is jansey at 4:04 PM WST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 February 2009 11:00 AM WST
Thursday, 29 January 2009
♥ the boys can't wake up :(

Topic: My 2 Monstas

due to the 'rat-ta-too-ee' episode yesternight.. we all went to bed around 12am. and as expected, the boys cannot wake up for their school today..

so here i am, updating blog, browsing through facebook, and watchin my NANNY sitcom. by the way, i manage to get to season five!! so i have start thinking, which sitcom should i catch up next - FRIENDS or PHUA CHU KANG. Laughing

This is jansey at 9:02 AM WST
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
♥ a rat in the house!!

Topic: Family

its 10.30pm+... and heng was sweaty all over from the jumping and running. (just came home after a full-month dinner) so MIL took him to the bathroom for a quick shower.

as they step inside.. there's a RRRRR---AAAAAAAAAA--TTTTTT escaping from them.

and there i was, packing the boy's bag for tommorrow's class.. and the rat came into our room!! yikes!! and i was scolded for not closing the door. it was all so fast.. and the big closet has a small opening at the bottom of it. so the rat went inside. Yell

so tonight, we all slept with an open door, hoping the rat will ran out of the room - house by itself.

This is jansey at 12:01 AM WST
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
♥ MSN virus!!



hub yesterday accidentally clicked a file sent to him via his msn contact. and instantly, his laptop stop functioning. he restarted it, tried to run anti-virus, but this deadly virus stop the program at the same time. thus he CANNOT SCAN HIS SYSTEM AND FIND THIS VIRUS!

if you receive a message saying

something with "facebook" or "photoshop"

and attached AN EXE FILE,




This is jansey at 10:08 AM WST
Updated: Wednesday, 21 January 2009 10:32 AM WST

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